5 Steps Towards Spiritual Growth


Theory No. 177 - There will always be work to do. Be it spiritual, emotional, physical, professional, or personal; life is a journey and your goal should be to never stop growing.
Cheers to the start of a new month! Not only is this the start of the second half of the year, but July 1st also begins the countdown to my birthday. This year will be another milestone that I'm dubbing Tren 4.5!
I am quite excited to reach this milestone, but I've got to be honest, forty-five came with a quickness. It's almost like I was just celebrating 40. Well in my head because for sure, my body has been reminding me of how quickly the sails turn. Nevertheless, I feel like I've been coasting through years 1-4 of the 40 club journey. While I've accomplished a few goals along the way, I can't help but be real about how I have really been feeling. For the last few months, I've been feeling stagnated and unsure as to what would be next for me. Reaching or better yet manifesting a few goals that I'd written in my journal years back, I've come to a point where I've realized I haven't really thought about what would come next.
So here I am, at 40 club milestone and ready to reassess and jumpstart the journey to the next milestone. With that being said, this year I'm approaching goal-setting a bit differently. Instead of setting external goals, I've planned on buckling down and doing some much needed internal work.

The first goal for Tren 4.5 is to work towards furthering my spiritual growth. For me, optimal spiritual growth goes beyond religious practices. It's about growing in the knowledge of and the relationship with my Creator. It's making sure that I am aligned with my belief system and truly living the life I am being called to live. It is my belief that if I am truly aligned, success will follow.
But how will I approach it all? The first step is to actually commit to doing the work. Once you make that commitment the rest is as easy as doing the work. For starters, I'm sharing these 5 steps to take towards improving your spiritual growth.
5 Steps Towards Spiritual Growth

  1. Block out 30 mins daily - It's so important to first Identify the ideal time that you can devote 30 minutes of uninterrupted time. You should be in a position where you can remove all distractions. This means no phones, no little ones, or better halves (not that they are distractions but you get it) pulling on you for attention. If you can pull yourself away that would be best. I plan to use my office or the backyard for this time.
  2. Start with prayer/meditation - Being able to be still and quiet your mind is vital. Asking the Creator/God/Universe to guide you through this process. The goal is to get centered so that you can focus on doing the work.
  3. Make a list of the areas that you'd like to improve - Identify the areas in which you are falling short, the areas that can use improvement. For example, some of the areas that I believe could improve is daily prayer/meditation time and reading the bible.
  4. Identify action steps that will lead you to improvement - Just like regular goal setting, this actually guides us into practicing and creating the spiritual habit. If I take the example in item 3, I would be jotting down what I need to do to incorporate time for daily prayer/meditation. An example includes, I will wake up 20 minutes earlier to pray and meditate before I begin my day.
  5. Journal progress - Write down your progress or lack thereof. Hold yourself accountable for your commitment.
So there you have it, a few simple ways to grow spiritually. I hope that you find this helpful and that you take this journey with me.
As always, thank you for stopping by!


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