Better Be The One That Smiles...


"Better be the one that smiles, than the one that doesn't smile back."

There was a time in my life when I as that woman that walked around with sorrow in her eyes and a stoic face. Not quite a frown or scowl, but for sure never a genuine smile. There were several factors that contributed to this, but to be a bit more specific. It was the fact that I relied on external situations to bring joy and happiness in my life. The relationship that I was in at the time, the friends/ company that I kept, and the material things that I acquired were the driving forces behind my happiness. 

When my relationship was on track I was happy and joyful, when I was among people that I considered to be friends, I was happy. When I would score something on my wish list, I was happy. However, when the relationship/friendships would take a turn for the worst or I got over the "shiny" new "thing", the feeling of happiness would wear off just as fast. It became a vicious cycle in which wore me out. 

It wasn't until my late 30's after the relationship/marriage ended and I lost all of those pretty "shiny" things that I realized that I had to break the cycle. I had to get off of the rollercoaster and start a new journey to find happiness. That journey was going to require a commitment to hard work and quite a bit of soul-searching. While it felt intimidating, I knew it was something that I needed to tackle head-on in order to experience the joy and live the life that I truly wanted to live. 

The very first step was the hardest, admitting to myself that a change was necessary. The second step, even harder - identifying what needed to change. Change is not an easy feat and most often "unpretty". However, this process is WELL WORTH IT.. 

Do the work and be the one that Smiles, it's better. Trust me! 

xo xo, 


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