Fri-Yay Faves - Nick-Knack Sushi


I must say, composing this post really lifted my spirits today. When you're feeling down, I encourage you to think about your favorite things. Granted, these thoughts may may not change your situation, but they will certainly change your mood. Enjoy this week's FriYays!!

1). Home Decor and Nick-Knacks: Decorating my space is something that I absolutely love to do. When I have extra money to splurge on decor, I hit my go to spots to see what I can find. This is a cute little pillow that I picked up from my neighborhood Target. Part of their "Room Essentials" line, it was very affordable and a super cute addition to my living room love seat.


2). Tempura Veggies & Sushi Rolls: There will never be a Fri-Yay Fave that does not include food. I love to eat y'all! I mean and who doesn't love a good roll? What's best about this plate, not only was it delicious, it was served up in the luxury of my home. Forty-Five Degrees is one of the go to spots for Sushi here in Indy. It's a trendy spot that is nicely situated downtown on Mass Ave. While a visit to the restaurant is always fun due to the modern decor and cool music, delivery is a tap away through GrubHub. Try out the app, I'm sure you can find delivery for your local favorites.

3). Music, Music, Muuuuusic!: When I'm feeling drained, blah, or simply uninspired, I escape with my trusty SBTRKT Radio station on Pandora. While I love SBTRKT's music, the station introduces you a variety of artists in the electronica, chill, down/low tempo vibe. Give it a try, you just might like it!

4). The Walking Dead: How could I not? So let me tell you the story here. In a previous post I mentioned my love for Horror movies and shows none the less, and when this show premiered I was super excited about it. I watched 3 or 4 episodes of Season 1, but I I got bored. My mind could not conceive how in the H.E. double hockey sticks could they do an entire show of zombies....  Fast forward several years later. I was home sick with a bad cold, and not having anything to do but watch TV, I decided to give it a try.  I kid, you not, I ended up binge watching 5 seasons. I am an official Dead Head. I freaking love this show so much that after my Season 6 binge, I decided to join the bandwagon of fans that tune in every Sunday. I. AM. HOOKED!! Shout out to my favorite characters Rick and Darrell - who am I kidding, I love them all.

Now tell me what faves are on your mind today? Make it a happy Friday by making your list! Thanks for stopping by.

xoxo - Tren

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