Self-Care Practices to Add to Your Morning Routine


Friends, do you have a morning routine? No, no, no... I'm not talking about the things we do by default every morning. I'm talking about a routine that includes self-care practices that allow us to focus on ourselves before we get busy doing everything for everyone else? 

Don't get me wrong, focusing solely on productivity or getting out the door is excellent, but adding something that can encourage you to start your day in a positive way can actually set a better tone for your day.  

If you've found yourself just going through the motions or simply feeling overwhelmed, adding in a self-care practice may be just what you need. 

Here are a few ideas that you can incorporate to have a little bit of me time before your day starts. 

Get lost in a good book...

It can be hard to find time to read, so adding 10 minutes into your morning routine where you can just sit down and read something to feed your soul. What you read is up to you, whether you enjoy daily devotionals, personal development, or novels. Read something that will make you happy and excited to start the day.

One great place to fit this in is right when you wake up if you're the type to sit in bed for a few minutes and scroll through your phone. Place your phone in another room the night before and replace that phone scrolling habit with reading for 10 or 15 minutes by keeping a book beside your bed. Another great time is while you're drinking your morning coffee. Instead of rushing around, take 10 minutes to mindfully sip while you read.

Pamper your skin...

We 40-plus girls know that skincare should be a priority. If you have been putting off taking better care of your skin, adding skincare into your morning routine is a great way to go. Block out time to really go through a luxurious cleansing and moisturizing routine before getting dressed for the day. This can add a little bit of relaxation to your day, and you can even play calming or upbeat music while you do your skincare, whichever works best to get you in the right mental state in the morning.

Be still and meditate...


When you practice meditation, even for 5 minutes a day, it can help reduce your stress levels and help you focus all day. This type of self-care will carry you through the day in a way that will allow you to be more grounded and mentally prepared to take on the situations that would typically throw you off course.

Do something you love... 

Think about something that you enjoy that will make you feel much happier to start your day? Maybe you love dancing and rarely have a chance to. Use this time to turn on some music and have a good 10-minute dance party before you start your day. Just think of something that you enjoy and work it into your morning routine.

The whole point is to add time for yourself before you start your day. We want to not only focus on the things that we have to do but spend at least 10 minutes doing something that we love or, better yet, something we always wanted to do. 

Try it for the next 7 days and notice how your day changes. 

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